Atechbcn manufacturing products to build solutions
Atechbcn is a leading global manufacturer of Building Maintenance Units (BMU), with presence in more than 35 countries, all over the world due to a consolidated distribution network of companies deeply established in each country, which provides our organisation with new ideas, projects and technical challenges every day.
Each BMU system is designed to offer a bespoke solution to the geometric complexity of every building and façade systems. With the best access system for increasingly complex infrastructures, we deliver a customized product that provides specific solution with high added value, working closely with architects, construction companies and developers; utilizing our vast technical capacity and extensive expertise to provide one of the safest equipment available.
Atechbcn specialises in complex buildings up to mega tall towers covering the complete process, since the preliminary design, engineering & development of the project, manufacturing process, assembling & testing and transport up to the installation.
Our work is truly profitable when we are able to offer a firm value to satisfy the demands of our stakeholders.

“El PROYECTO DE MEJORA TECNOLÓGICA DE INSTALACIONES INDUSTRIALES realizado por ATECHBCN con número de expediente RCI-040000-2016-350 ha sido financiado por el Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Turismo dentro de la línea de REINDUSTRIALIZACIÓN Y FOMENTO DE LA COMPETITIVIDAD INDUSTRIAL”.